In foundries, employees need to be protected from a variety of harmful substances. Based on previous customer projects and frequent questions, we are offering a free training webinar on March 15 with a focus on foundries, describing the practical pitfalls for skin protection and the extent to which new technologies can solve long-standing problems.

March 2024

February 2024
These weeks we are on the road all over Germany: the tour offers operational hygiene workshops for fire departments who want to find out about easy-to-implement measures to improve the safety and health of emergency services. The company Domeyer from Bremen will be presenting its MUNDUS hygiene concept, the company Uvex will be showing different types of changeable clothing – and of course pak-ex will not be missing. Previous events in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Bavaria have shown concrete interest and offered opportunities for professional exchange between the fire departments. Further workshops will be offered in the coming weeks in NRW (Carl Henkel) and Rhineland-Palatinate (SCHMITT Feuerwehrtechnik).
Start of the 2024 event season – we kicked off on January 18 and 19 at the symposium of the German Plant Fire Brigade Association in Berlin. In addition to our product pak-ex against PAH contamination, our powder-ex and nano-ex are also relevant solutions for plant fire departments against hazardous substances in the workplace.

January 2024

October 2023
A+A is the leading trade fair for occupational safety and health. This year the event was held under the motto “Impulses for a better working world”. DermaPurge was able to contribute a great deal to this theme: with a presentation in the Trend Forum, with its own stand at Innovations and Start-Ups, and – as the winner of the “vfdb Excellence Award” at the joint area of FeuerKrebs gUG, vfdb e.V., the Central Guild Association of Chimney Sweeps and the German Rescue Robotics Centre (DRZ).
FLORIAN 2023: Prime Minister tests pak-ex. Fire fair with record number of visitors.
Why was pak-ex awarded the prize for best product innovation of the year for fire brigades? Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer wanted to find out in person and tried out pak-ex right away.
The FLORIAN trade fair was a complete success and ended with a record number of visitors. Training content and practical solutions for operational hygiene for fire brigades were topics everywhere at the fair. Particularly motivating for us was the appreciative feedback for the pak-ex innovation, the increasing level of awareness after only one year, and that pak-ex is already being used by numerous fire brigades and training centres.

October 2023

September 2023
“A real problem solver for a wide range of use cases from industry to civil defence”. – that is the conclusion of Daniela Bach,
investment manager at the Bonn-based venture capitalist High-Tech Gründerfonds, on the portrait of DermaPurge. In its current issue, WirtschaftsWoche chose DermaPurge GmbH as Start-Up of the Week and interviewed it about its founding idea, business model, development opportunities and challenges. The article appears in the current print edition and can be accessed online here: WirtschaftsWoche Start-Up of the Week: DermaPurge.

September 2023
The FIREmobil trade fair took place for the first time this year – with a full focus on vegetation firefighting. We were there as exhibitors and for workshop training, and draw a positive conclusion: operational hygiene as a cross-cutting issue also found favour and attention here. Whether at the stand of G.B.S., at the demonstration fleet of MAGIRUS, or at the workshops of @fire.
FeuerKrebs-campaing: -Kampagne: another 533 km at the Lausitzring!
An ultra-cycling team is collecting kilometres and donations for FeuerKrebs this year and wants to draw more attention to the commitment of our firefighters. At the Lausitzring at the 24-hour race “VELOFONDO”, rider Mike was able to show off once again: with 533 kilometres in less than 23 hours, he showed an impressive performance.
All information about the campaign is available in the interview with Crisis Prevention (LINK) and at

September 2023
112RESCUE in Dortmund
112RESCUE is a new event aspiring to become the annual platform showcasing cutting-edge innovations for rescue forces and fire fighters.
DermaPurge and pak-ex will be present in several ways.
You can find us as part of the Innovation Cluster in Hall 5, Booth C4_14 – or you can visit our partners FeuerKrebs or Carl Henkel!
pak-ex wins Excellence Award 2023
The SafeInno Foundation, established by the German Association for the Promotion of Fire Protection (vfdb), presents the Excellence Awards every year. They are among the highest awards for special work in the field of hazard prevention. The awards are given in three categories: “special scientific achievement”, “research and development” and “special organisational achievement”.
pak-ex in the media spotlight: in the April issues, Feuerwehrmagazin and FEUERWEHR report on the problem with soap and cleaning wipes when it comes to PAH skin cleansing – and why pak-ex is making its way to fire brigades all over Germany and beyond.
Read online now: “Health risk soap?” in FEUERWEHR April 2023

April 2023
February 2023
Retterpedia publishes short, crisp and mission-relevant videos from the fields of fire and rescue services. In the latest video, our managing director Jonas Schubert is interviewed as an expert on the subject of skin cleansing after fire operations and introduces pak-ex.
State-of-the-art HSE for working with dust and fine particles
A recent report in “Safety Engineer” is dedicated to the challenge of fine dusts and particles in skin contact – and shows in how many areas powder-ex brings the skin protection plan up to the state of the art. Especially against the background of the current TRGS401, which places the emphasis on gentle skin cleansing in cases of unavoidable skin contact, this is an important impulse for occupational safety.

November 2022
The Committee for Hazardous Substances (AGS) in Germany has published a new TRGS 401. The focus is on current recommendations for skin protection when dealing with hazardous substances in everyday work.
Important points of the new TRGS 401:
- Emphasis on prevention and STOP principle.
- Proper skin cleansing and selection of skin products: significantly more detailed explanations of incorrect and recommended skin products for skin cleansing of hazardous substances.
We at DermaPurge are pleased that many of the points we have raised are being addressed in detail in the new TRGS 401 in order to provide employers and employees with clearer instructions on how to avoid contact and cleanse the skin of hazardous substances. - Read now: new TRGS 401 (18.11.2022 version)
- Questions about the new TRGS in relation to your skin protection plan? Contact us!
powder-ex in action: Protolabs employees report
PROTOLABS is a renowned name in additive manufacturing – with manufacturing facilities in seven countries, it is the world’s fastest manufacturer of custom prototypes and low-volume parts. For this purpose, PROTOLABS works with fine-scale powders and pays attention to the latest standards in occupational safety. For this reason, after a test phase, the company decided to adapt the skin protection plan and to use powder-ex instead of soap or other skin cleaning agents for powder handling.

Oktober 2022
pak-ex at FLORIAN 2022 fire brigade fair
At this year’s FLORIAN 2022, we presented pak-ex for the first time at our own booth. We are very pleased about the once again overwhelming interest and positive feedback.
- Presentation of pak-ex 2.0 in a pump dispenser as a prototype
- Presentation of pak-ex as a trade fair highlight to State Secretary Dr. Arrow
- Fire-brigade-Willi tries out pak-ex (Link Instagram)
DermaPurge at the Arbeitsschutz Aktuell 2022
“Skin cleansing from hazardous substances – outdated standards and new solutions” – with this contribution, Felix Klee, co-founder of DermaPurge, was asked to give insights into the work and innovations of DermaPurge GmbH on the EXPO stage at this year’s Arbeitsschutz Aktuell fair in Stuttgart.
Watch the lecture on Youtube (German Only):
Oktober 2022
September 2022
Sächsische Zeitung presents pak-ex for the inventor award “genial sächsisch 2022”.
“When there’s a fire and people are in need, firefighters risk their lives to put out the fire. In Germany, 1.3 million volunteers and 40,000 full-time emergency workers work to save others from dangerous situations; however, your health is not only threatened by the flames. The smoke from the fire consists of chemical substances that are harmful to the body. These include the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs for short. These carcinogenic substances are absorbed through inhalation or on the skin. An invention by the Dermapurge company from Dresden is now helping firefighters to get these substances off their skin quickly and easily.”
With this introduction, the portrait of the Sächsische Zeitung as part of the inventors’ competition “genial sächsisch”.
- Read article
- More about PAK-ex
Occupational safety problem of powders in Additive Manufacturing: latest issue of 'ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING' informs
Not only the inhalation of smallest particles is a health risk: contact with the skin and especially wrong skin cleaning practices are often underestimated. A recent article in ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG explains what the risks are, why PPE is only one component, and what best practice should look like.

September 2022
DermaPurge wins Best Pitch Award

August 2022
“How Start-Ups shape your future” was the motto of the 49th Gründerfoyer, organised by dresden|exists for aspiring founders, and featuring a top-class keynote by Christian Olshausen, founder and CTO of Sunfire GmbH. We are delighted to have won first prize in the Best Pitch Award for presenting our path that led to founding and developing our DermaPurge GmbH.
pak-ex nominated for Saxony's best inventions 2022
It looks simple, but there is a lot of research behind it: every year, the largest Saxonian Journal presents inventions that impact society and daily life. We are proud to see that our recent innovation pak-ex has been nominated for 2022 awards, honouring the great added value of our innovation for occupational health and safety for the more than 1 million fire fighters in Germany – and in perspective many other occupational groups such as chimney sweeps and in industry.

July 2022
pak-ex product launch at Interschutz 2022

June 2022
Interschutz is the world’s leading trade fair for Fire Services, Rescue, Civil Protection and Security. This year, the fair set the stage for the first official presentation of our innovation pak-ex for safe and effective skin cleansing for fire fighters and other occupations that are exposed to carcinogenic substances in fire smoke. Thanks to our partners FeuerKrebs gUG, Feuerwehrmagazin, Lavese and AMVS.
Rapid.Tech 3D: DermaPurge introduces Powder-ex and advises on occupational safety in additive manufacturing with powdered materials
The Rapid.Tech 3D Printing Fair is one of the most important information events in the field of additive manufacturing processes. It looks at the status and progress of rapid prototyping up to the implementation of end products with the help of additive manufacturing, as well as the technology’s entry into series production.
As part of Building 3D e.V., DermaPurge was invited to provide information about the risks of handling powdered materials and important building blocks for occupational safety – and of course to present Powder-ex as a unique innovation for these workplaces.

May 2022
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung interview with DermaPurge Managing Director Jonas Schubert

April 2022
Risks of chemical warfare agents and weapon-ex as a decontamination solution
“Despite the ban, chemical weapons have been used again and again. For Putin, too, they are definitely an option.” Due to the current situation and threath in Ukraine, the science section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung of 3.4.2022 addresses the risks of chemical warfare agents and the weapon-ex developed by DermaPurge – in an interview with Dr Jonas Schubert, Managing Director of DermaPurge GmbH.
BRANDSCHUTZ -Article informs about "pak-ex" as a new product for the cleaning of PAHs after fire operations
In Collaboration with Marcus Bätge (FeuerKrebs®), we provide information on the current state of operational hygiene, risks from PAHs, and pak-ex as a state of the art solution
pak-ex developed by DermaPurge for the effective cleaning of the skin after fire operations for firefighters is presented in the current issue of BRANDSCHUTZ. Together with Marcus Bätge from FeuerKrebs®, the risks posed by PAHs are explained and how pak-ex sets new standards in skin cleansing.

March 2022
News from chemistry: Article on nanosafety and nano-ex

January 2022
“Washing off tiny particles” – Nachrichten der Chemie publishes extensive article on nanosafety and nano-ex.
Based on the innovation nano-ex developed by DermaPurge and the extensive application possibilities, ‘Nachrichten der Chemie’ dedicates an article to the topic of nanosafety – with background information on challenges for occupational safety due to nanomaterials, insights into the Leibniz Research Network Nanosafety and on nano-ex – a first aid application developed by DermaPurge at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research to effectively remove nanoscale particles from the skin.
nano-ex: Award for best innovation for lab-equipment 2021
Wiley Analytical Science Award 2022 chooses nano-ex as winner of this year’s competition
Innovative solutions and products for laboratory work are awarded annually by the specialist publisher Wiley Analytical Science. In the “Separation, Lab Automation & Lab Equipment” category, DermaPurge took first place with the innovation nano-ex.
Read more:

November 2021
LABORPRAXIS reports on nano-ex

September 2021
Skin cleansing from particles in the nanometre range: The eye shower for the skin
For more than 44 years, LABORPRAXIS has accompanied laboratory employees in their daily work and provides assistance according to the motto “Those who use us can do more.” The laboratory employee finds tips and tricks for everyday work. A current article now informs about problems for occupational safety in nanotechnology research and in which situations nano-ex completes the first aid concept for nanotechnology laboratories.
DermaPurge in the CHEManager Innovation Pitch
Effective skin cleansing solutions for occupational safety: Background article provides insights into development
CHEManager, the trade and business journal for managers in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and related sectors, presents one innovative start-up every month im CHEManager Innovation Pitch. The latest pitch provides a deep insight into the development history, status and goals of our spin-off DermaPurge at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden – including upcoming product developments and an interview with the founders.
The complete article and download as PDF via the following link (German only):

September 2021
nano-ex is nominated for Wiley Analytical Science Award

August 2021
Jury of experts and users nominates nano-ex
Every year, the specialist publisher Wiley Analytical Science awards prizes for innovative solutions and products for laboratory work. This year, a jury of experts and users has nominated nano-ex in the category laboratory equipment. Voting is still possible until 31 September via the following link:
dermatest confirms optimal skin compatibility of nano-ex
Very good skin compatibility dermatologically confirmed
The independent dermatological institute dermatest has awarded the skin compatibility of nano-ex with “very good”. This seal is awarded for epicutaneous tests in which skin contact with the test product did not cause a product-related reaction in at least 30 test subjects. The epicutaneous test (patch test) is the detection of a primary irritant effect or a contact allergy (by provoking allergic skin reactions in already sensitised test subjects) through epicutaneous, localised and time-limited contact with the preparation under investigation.

June 2021
Webinar for occupational health experts in Nanotechnology Research

May 2021
First Webinar to introduce nano-ex: supported by the German accident insurance funds.
In order to present the occupational safety innovation ‘nano-ex’ to safety professionals at universities and research institutions in nanotechnology, DermaPurge is launching a webinar series in cooperation with the accident insurance funds.
nano-ex: a novel standard first-aid kit for occupational health in nanotechnology

May 2021
nano-ex is now available within EU
If skin contact with nanoparticles occurs despite preventive measures when working with nanoparticles, nano-ex offers the first effective option for effective skin cleaning. nano-ex is soap-free and therefore TRGS-401-compliant, as the skin barrier is not impaired. nano-ex is suitable for all types of nanoparticles and removes more than 99% of all particles. nano-ex can be ordered immediately within the EU.